Share Your Story

We want to hear from you! Please consider sharing your story about navigating illness or facing a health challenge. Selected submissions will be featured on our blog.

Content guidelines: We believe that a story can be told in many ways. We welcome poems, essays, visual art, music, audio clips, or any other creative medium you choose, as long as the HSC Conduct Guidelines are honored. If your story is in written format, please limit the piece to no more than 1500 words.

Draw from our suggested prompts to help you craft your narrative.

You can also work more in-depth with us by participating in our Audio Stories or Healing Story Sessions programs. If you are interested in learning more about these options, please contact us at with a request for information.

Please send completed narratives to, or by completing the form below (if a written story). Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we are not able to publish all stories. However, we believe there is value in the process of creating a narrative, regardless of its publishing status.