How my illness has changed my life forever

By Doretha (Dee) Burrell

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It all started in January 2007 after having yearly mammograms as usual, but for some reason, this particular mammogram came back abnormal.  I was on vacation in Cancun, Mexico when I received the call that I had breast cancer.  My first thought was “You have to be kidding me. I am 50 years old.” 

Sometimes we have no idea why things happen to us, but I have learned through my journey of battling breast cancer to simply not even ask the question, “WHY?”  Some things we simply do not have control over, so we must roll with the punches, as they say.

Going through cancer was tough, and to make matters even worse, as I was battling cancer, my mother was also diagnosed with cancer, and she passed away.  I felt like I had been hit with a double whammy. 

My treatment consisted of surgery (lumpectomy), chemotherapy, radiation, and two full years of participating in a clinical drug trial, all in the hopes that my cancer would not return. I experienced FULL hair loss - it was weird to be totally bald, but thank goodness, as a former model, I knew how to change hair styles by using wigs! It was not too devastating wearing a wig on my bald head.  I honestly believe having the experience of changing the hair styles so often actually saved me from going through severe depression when I did lose my hair.

Fast forward 14 years, and I am living cancer free, but cancer has changed my life significantly. First and foremost, it has changed the way I think about myself.  I actually learned to LOVE myself.  After battling breast cancer, I began to see a whole new me…a strong, beautiful, courageous lady who realized on the journey of treatment, surgery, and the emotional ups and downs how important life is and how to be grateful for each and every day that I am blessed to live.

I no longer hold on to anything or anybody that is not adding joy in my life.  Letting go is one of the toughest things to do, but it was essential for me to take time to clean house, so to speak.  I noticed I was no longer hesitant of ending bad friendships, bad jobs, and folks that did not treat me the way I want to be treated.

I also realized my spirituality keeps me uplifted, and perhaps it was there all along, I just never stopped to appreciate it. I love life and have accepted the good as well as the bad.    

Recently, I became certified as a life coach to help bring out the hidden treasures in others, so they can acknowledge their gifts within themselves.  Life is so different for me now.  I don’t have a problem of stepping outside my comfort zone….so much so, that after working 20 plus years in a professional career, I am now working part-time as a host at a waterfront restaurant!

I have never worked in a restaurant before, and here I am in my sixties with my neatly coordinated outfits and heels welcoming guests and escorting them to their table to enjoy a lovely dining experience. Ladies, you know how it is trying to be stylish, but sometimes those heels can get the best of us! My first week working at the restaurant, I wasn’t even sure if I were going to be able to get out of bed each day and walk…whew!  I am sure I have purchased every bag of Epsom salt in a three-mile radius of my home to take soothing, muscle relieving baths.  As time passes, I am finally actually enjoying the host job.  

I have learned to meditate, slow down, accept life as it is right now, and keep on striving and thriving.  I am doing things that I have never done before cancer and I look forward to seeing where this journey will take me.

Trust me…had I not battled cancer and have the opportunity to enjoy a second chance in life, I would not be stepping outside of the box and my comfort zone.

So, YES!  My illness has changed my life forever! 

Doretha (Dee) Burrell

Dee is internationally recognized as a Certified Diversity Consultant with special emphasis in Women’s Issues, Certified Life Coach, Public Speaker, breast cancer advocate, published author and she has earned her Competent Communicator (CC) pin and title with Toastmasters. She is a breast cancer survivor, and credits her daughter Andrea and granddaughter Jayla with keeping her happy and full of zest for life.