Lin, remembering her son Justin

Lin K: Artist Statement

 A Mother's Love

 Justin, who was named after my maiden name, Giustino, was born at 7:37pm on St. Patrick's Day 1980. His birth was not planned not like his brother, 3 years earlier. I wasn't sure I was even ready for another child. But when they placed him in my arms, my heart melted and was filled with so much love and joy for this baby boy. He was beautiful, healthy and forever part of me. How could I have ever doubted I wasn't ready!

He grew up always active, always smiling, always there for anyone in need and always had a love of sports! His love for family and friends immensely evident in all he did. He particularly loved the ocean and sunsets. He would kid his brother often of how hard it must be to live with a brother who was so "awesome and good looking", words that have stuck to this day by those who knew Justin well.

 Justin passed away, 9/17/14, the saddest day of my life. Just like his birth, his death was not planned, there were no signs, and there was no warning. I wasn't ready to have my heart broken...shattered, crushed, pierced with pain--my world changed forever. My hopes and dreams for him, and selfishly for myself, gone. A part of me also died that day. This is what addiction took from me AND from him. But addiction can't take away everything. 

 A mother's never-ending, unconditional love. A love that started the day he was born. In my eyes, he is still perfect, still beautiful, still loved, still my precious son and still lights up my life with cherished memories of his life.

 Words on this canvas were written by one of my favorite artists, Tracy Chapman, called The Promise. The first time I heard it, I thought of Justin and my love for him and the love he always gave to me. These words have so many emotions.... but mostly hope to someday be together again. Save a place for me, my "Awesome & Good-looking" son! Until then, you are with me always. 143, Mom
